Learn to spot health scams with this online course

Image of Hilary in the kitchen preparing a meal, ingredients spread across the counter


A self-paced, online course to help you to spot health scams, stop relying on trendy health claims, and make informed decisions about your food.

Health trends and food marketing terms like “gluten-free,” “vegan,” and “organic” are not what make a food healthy. But food marketers bank on you buying into those health claims (and boy, do they have you pinned!).

You may not have the time to do the research, but you can follow practitioners like me who do follow the research.

The Kitchen Detox Workshop will help you build strong foundations to make healthy food choices easier, and based on your individual needs.

Never Diet again

Our culture teaches us that suffering is admirable, and that pleasure is sin.

I have news for you… you’ve been lied to!

The Kitchen Detox Workshop will help you understand the meaning behind common food marketing terms, and how the quality and sourcing of your food impact your health and the environment, so you can stop being fooled by food marketing terms, and feel confident about your food choices.

What you’ll learn

Image of Hilary eating a bowl of homemade soup, surrounded by ingredients at the table

What You’ll Get

  • Modules include videos, written content, research references, and a PDF workbook.

    What’s Your ‘Why?’ | Good, Better, Best | Organic v. Conventional | Label Reading Fats | Label Reading Chemicals, Emulsifiers, and Preservatives | Label Reading Sugars | Label Reading Grains | Cookware and Storage | Everything Else

  • Hilary is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, and has been Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition.

    She will be standing by to answer any questions you have along the way, and you will also have access to a peer group chat.

  • As long as the content is available, you will have access to the materials through the course software, PracticeBetter.

    I will update the information periodically as new information becomes available.

  • By the end of this course, you will be a pro at navigating food labels and will be able to navigate your options based on food quality, sourcing, and what’s best for you and your family, instead of blindly following one-size-fits-all health claims.

  • As a holistic Nutritionist, my standing argument is that rarely does any one diet work for most people.

    Diets disconnect us from hearing what our body is telling us and teach us that restriction and suffering are admirable, creating a poor relationship with our bodies and food.

    Food quality is what’s important for our physical health. Food sourcing is what’s important for the health of the earth.

    That’s where we need to focus first.

Meet your instructor

Hilary Beckwith

Quirky nutrition expert, roller skater, recovering dieter, pet hedgehog owner, and bringer of great snacks!

Hilary has a long history of health conditions that used to leave her feeling broken and alone.

After learning to resolve her symptoms on her own and now a practitioner who is Board Certified in Holistic Nutrition, she helps women understand and trust their body, so they can feel like themselves again.

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